Табло http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZR0U1nyQlD0&feature=related Порш http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3ESRmg-r3w&NR=1 МоСт http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oz3-NethUNY&feature=related зы: где у них ракетные шахты? эдишн: http://www.infosupport.nl/Max Перевод (гугл). Hello, I am Max, I am 24 years old and have studied IT. I think it is nice to people in the leg to take. My genius ideas are filmed here and see the result. Meanwhile, there are many different movies in circulation, and I have them on YouTube. There are already more than 5,000,000 times and I get a lot of nice comments. The films have been partly put in scene. By others, the movies also posted at other popular sites, like www.tweakers.net, www.fok.nl, www.sargasso.nl, www.lachvandedag.nl. I have my jokes even with the TV met. NL Edition of RTL 4, the NS movie shown. Do you still see the episode, see the opposite result. When Edition NL came out that I have 4 other good stuff on Youtube, they have film of the opening of the bridge the next day in the broadcast show. In addition to Jensen, I offered to my story about the movies. Meanwhile, I have a really playful idea devised and implemented. I have been given to each other via a 'virusje' Edition of the autocue NL with custom feed. This trick I applied to a broadcast Edition NL. Look to the movie, and I am curious what you think. тему не переносим.