Про youtube Hey anatoly, I really loved your "_____" video my name is Uwe Schafer, and I just started a new info website for pet owners Down Under. I really love your video, and the response it generated with your viewers seems to be just fantastic. I would like to talk to you about a really easy way for you to earn some quick money All you need to do is post a link on your video in the description box to my website. It will only take you a couple of seconds to do and I am prepared to pay you well for it. If that sounds like something you might be interested in, just get back to me with a "Yes" and we can discuss the fun stuff like payment, and how much.. Look forward to hearing from you. cheers Uwe _____ Hi Uwe I am open for discussing. Lets talk kindest regards Anatoly _____ hi there, that's great I am currently working on creating awareness for my new site in Australia. If you could place a simple text link under the video, I might be able to raise a bit of interest, as it is an information site for cats and dogs. every bit helps. May I suggest for a text link $10. Another option would be that you sell me your account, I would be prepared to pay $60 for that. You would just send me your login details after payment. What is your PayPal account? Let me now please. cheers Uwe ______ Продавать аккаунт?
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