У моей родственницы 18 сентября получен ответ из лаборатории детского госпиталя в Мемфисе (США)- примитивная нейроэктодермальная опухоль, рецидив от 07.2012. . В декабре 2012 года показана трансплантация стволовых клеток с предоперационной химиотерапией. Мама девочки обращается ко всем добрым людям с просьбой о материальной помощи для Эвы Марии. Пожалуйста, помогите ей сделать еще один шаг по дороге к выздоровлению. Реквизиты: LV35HABA000130A242942, Swedbank, Наталья Тиханова, 161176-11216, с пометкой - на лечение Эвы Марии
С Facebook: Dear Friend & friend of my friends! My friend, the girl I went to school with, is looking for help: her little daughter Eva Maria got a diagnosis: the Primitive Neuroectodermal Embriogenic Tumor (PNET) is a neural crest tumor. It is a rare tumor, usually occurring in children and young adults under 25 years of age. On the 18th September they received a response from the laboratory of children's Hospital in Memphis (US). Eva Maria has been prescribed stem cell transplantation In December 2012, with preoperative chemotherapy and postoperative irradiation. Due to the severity of the condition, the child cannot be discharged from the hospital for life threatening reasons. Planned time of hospitalization is until March 2013. Scans of all medical documents (statements and Concilium) are available. The problem is there’s no money left on an expensive surgery, which is the only girl’s chance for a full recovery, everything is already spent on treatments. The Latvian Government partly pays for the treatment only in EU countries. At the moment, we are looking for a clinic in Europe. We appeal to all the people, who can afford it – please help Eva Maria. Please help her take another step on the road to recovery. She really needs your help. Each Cent helps to make a Euro, each Euro leads to Eva Marie’s health recovery. Eva Maria’s Mother’s Bank Details: Nataļja Tihanova, Personal Code: 161176-11216 IBAN: LV35HABA000130A242942 Swift Code: HABALV22 Please mark "for treatment of Eva Maria" Thank you for all your help! — с Natalja Tihanova и Eva Maria.